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Are you an association, an organization, a foundation, or a non-profit? AdEthic can help you!

Our ethical values

Integrity, honesty, fairness, social responsibility and transparency; these are our values as reflected in our actions and our behavior. They are the basis on which AdEthic is founded. We believe that the community is entitled to a communication based on ethics, truth, justice and solidarity, and that commercial communication has a duty to support initiatives through which every person may generate good for humanity.

Advertising is transformed into solidarity

In accordance with our mission and in order to be involved for the common good, we want to revolutionize advertising by donating the majority of the profits from our business (net of costs and taxes) to support solidarity and charity works, selected according to criteria defined periodically by the Ethics Committee and publicized in announcements on our website.

The Ethics Code

No matter where or with whom the company works, we are committed to working legally, ethically and with integrity, in order to respect the different cultures, the dignity and the rights of the people in all countries in which we operate. The Code of Ethics defines our mission and values, the principles and rules of conduct with our stakeholders and the internal control and regulating mechanisms. You can read or download the Code of Ethics from this link.